In Solvent we are focused on effectively combining the following modes for authoring web apps:
- Code-Centric
- Lowcode/No code
- AI CodeGen/Assist
In this post we are going to touch on and showcase degrees of freedom as a requirement for fully realizing the benefits of combining these modes/perspectives.
Degrees of freedom
Degrees of freedom as meant here refers to the flexibility of actions a user/worker has when trying to complete a given task. The more complex a task is, the more a user/worker benefits from having higher degrees of freedom.
Think of a construction worker working on a large building. When they are working on the ground floor, they typically have the most degrees of freedom, as they climb to higher floors, they lose more degrees of freedom.
They have a number of options at their disposal with different profiles for gaining degrees of freedom:
The Ladder
If they use a simple ladder, they have the least degrees of freedom, meaning they have to climb to every level, do some work, climb down, move the ladder to a new spot then climb again and do some more work, rinse and repeat.
This ladder climbing is a necessary but utterly unproductive part of the work effort.
Static Scaffolding
To improve on the ladder, they'll sometimes build scaffolding to facilitate more degrees of freedom at each level. This does dramatically improve the level of productivity as they now have far greater degrees of freedom at each level without the constant up and down ladder climbing.
Mobile Lift
There is an even more dramatic possibility when using mobile lifts that can be piloted from below to freely move workers up and down, left and right without ever leaving their work spaces.
You don't need to have expertise in construction to see the difference that the various options make in terms of worker productivity.
When combining different modes of authoring software, in our case web applications, degrees of freedom for the developer are similarly important for ergonomics and consequently productivity.
The developer/user needs to be able to seamlessly bob & weave between these perspectives in order for the marginal productivity gains of the combination to be delivered.
High degrees of freedom also solves the on/off ramp problem that plagues most Lowcode/No code products, ie the inability to easily expand capabilities beyond whatever canned options the product comes with.
Solvent makes code the source of truth and the various modes/perspectives for interacting with it as ways to grant the developer/user the necessary degrees of freedom to work in whichever mode is suitable for a given sub-task.
Demo: building a video portal
Our prompts:
Video walk-through Part 1:
Video walk-through Part 2:
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