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Using AI (OpenAI, Anthropic,Gemini) Function Calling To Automate Dev Environment Actions

  In this post we showcase direct AI integration support, then follow that up with using that integration to automate the process of issuing a prompt and generating a Lowcode app.  The integration approach shown allows a developer  to build all sorts of automation "recipes" to drive the developer environment. Part 1 - Basic AI Integration Demo (OpenAI, Anthropic, Gemini) Part 2 -CodeGen and Lowcode Integration via automation using all three models.
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Integrating AI CodeGen With Low Code Application Development - Part 2

In this post we follow up from the previous AI CodeGen integration into a Lowcode environment, which was a manual process.  In this post we showcase the new direct AI integration support, then follow that up with using that integration to automate the process of issuing a prompt and generating a Lowcode app. Part 1 - Basic AI Integration Demo (OpenAI, Anthropic, Gemini) Part 2 -CodeGen and Lowcode Integration via automation using all three models.

Creating A Lowcode Implementation For Prime React In Solvent-Lowcodr

These videos cover the basic process for creating a Lowcode implementation on the Solvent-Lowcodr platform. The first 2 video shows the process of the creation, the other videos show the prep work involved in creating your RADKit. If you have the time, watching the prep work videos then these two will give a better sense of the process.   Creating A Solvent Lowcodr RADKit For PrimeReact, Part-1   Creating A Solvent Lowcodr RADKit For PrimeReact, Part-2     The following videos show part of the prep work for creating a RADKit, the prep work mostly consist of creating the definitions for components exposed by the target component library or design system. They are worth watching even though long. They show some of the issues you might run into both as part of the usual software dev challenges and other issues related to putting the whole thing together.  It also shows using AI CodeGen and Lowcode to create a utility that is then used to create another Lowcode solution, which is neat.   P

Integrating AI CodeGen With Low Code Application Development

This is a demo showing Solvent-Lowcodr working with AI Code generation (ChatGPT) to build web apps in a low code fashion. This demo uses Vuetify Component Library. This is the first in a series showing various ways that AI CodeGen and low code can be combined in Solvent-Lowcodr to accelerate web application development. In subsequent posts we'll show how to use AI CodeGen to build low code building blocks in Solvent-Lowcodr. We'll also show demos for React.

Reactive and Component Frameworks for "Old Fart" Programmers

One of the great challenges for experienced developers when confronted with new concepts is being able to map one's existing knowledge to the new concept. As they say, there is nothing new under the sun, that is often more true for new development methodologies. Even when new jargon is brought to bear on new methodologies, often upon closer inspection you recognize that it is something that you already know that is being described in a new way (unfortunately sometimes in a convoluted way to make it seem new). Reactive/Component UI/UX frameworks are one such development, while their particular implementations may be new and novel, almost all of the underlying concepts are not new. This is hardly a thorough presentation of Reactive/Component frameworks, but rather an attempt to fill in some gaps for developers who have experience but might find themselves confused by some of these new kids on the block. The top 3 reactive component frameworks being React, Angular and Vue. Al

Introducing ConfigNode and more

After several months of work we're happy to announce some exciting news. ConfigNode This is a new product for Configuration Management built on top of the Solvent WebApps platform. It takes the smart object technology built into Solvent and productizes it for the purpose of configuration management. Learn more: Git Integration There is now full Git support for source control. Learn more: Multi-User Support The core Solvent WebApps platform now has robust support for multi-user deployment with support for collaboration between users. Learn More: Lots of bug fixes and improvments.

The feds need to shutdown the bitcoin scam now.

I live in Baltimore, let's say I have some hypothetical friends who are always looking for a good hustle. Now imagine if my friends got together for a new get-rich-quick-scheme, the scheme is very simple. They invent something called cracken (bitcoins) that they start selling on a few blocks in Hamsterdam . The way you get crackens is to do laps around the blocks in Hamsterdam . Initially when the scheme was setup, you could get a whole lot of crackens by merely doing a few strolls around the block. Needless to say my friends made out like bandits, since, after all they created the scheme and could take advantage of the first-come-first-serve rules. Unfortunately for the rest of the hood, the number of laps required to get the same number of crackens keeps going up and after a while even the fittest folks in the neighborhood cannot do the lapse required to earn crackens. Cracken mania takes hold and infects the whole city. Those with crackens start trading these crackens f