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Reactive and Component Frameworks for "Old Fart" Programmers

One of the great challenges for experienced developers when confronted with new concepts is being able to map one's existing knowledge to the new concept. As they say, there is nothing new under the sun, that is often more true for new development methodologies.

Even when new jargon is brought to bear on new methodologies, often upon closer inspection you recognize that it is something that you already know that is being described in a new way (unfortunately sometimes in a convoluted way to make it seem new).

Reactive/Component UI/UX frameworks are one such development, while their particular implementations may be new and novel, almost all of the underlying concepts are not new.

This is hardly a thorough presentation of Reactive/Component frameworks, but rather an attempt to fill in some gaps for developers who have experience but might find themselves confused by some of these new kids on the block.

The top 3 reactive component frameworks being React, Angular and Vue. All of these frameworks more or less do the same thing but generally go about it in different ways. The question of which to go with would probably depend both on your own developer taste and what you wish to accomplish.

At their core, these are component frameworks that are reactive, ie they allow you to turn what used to be tag-soup into things that have rigorous semantics, they automate state-to-view (data binding) maintenance and provide some other nice to have features.

In other words, you go beyond a div tag which has no inherent meaning, to a toolbar tag which has a definite meaning. Of course standard html tags can be imbued with meaning but these frameworks provide a systemic way of doing that without having to reinvent the wheel.

How they define Components

Uses Javascript functions directly as a way of defining components. The function takes as arguments, the properties of the component. The function is then responsible for making sure that component materializes with the help of the framework. With React the name of the function (or class) becomes the name of the component that you can reference in JSX.

Uses a class declaration to represent a component. You need to "decorate" (for java programmers, this is annotations) the class to signify that it is a component. In other words Angular also uses Javascript functions to define components since the semantics of classes in Javascript are the same as doing new FunctionName of yore, the new class syntax is mainly syntactic sugar.

By creating new instance as an extension of the core Vue class. The way this is presented can make it seem different but really components in Vue are functions because Vue.component(...) returns an extension of the core Vue class which can then be used to instantiate the component via new MyComponent. The main thing Vue.component(...) does is allow you to tie a name to the returned instance, a round-about way of signifying a class :)

So by-and-large, all three frameworks in fact use Javascript functions to define components but go about it in their own round-about ways.

Using Components

If components are functions then it makes sense to view their usage in terms of function invocations. Every component reference can be viewed as an invocation of the corresponding function and the props are just arguments to that function. React's API kinda makes this fact obvious, if you look at the compiled result of JSX you can see the invocation chain.

About slots and content distribution.

Additionally, Vue and Angular use the notion of slots, ie the inner content of a component's tag. slots should be simply viewed as additional arguments passed after props to the component function (JSX makes this obvious).

Slots can also be "scoped", meaning you can sort of change the local variable context of the slot's content, ordinarily it uses the context of the component invoking it, this is not unlike Javascript function scoping.

The way the slot scope concept is presented by the Vue documentation is confusing so it is better to think of slots not as content that get passed to a component but rather as callbacks that get passed to a component.

The component would then invoke the callback to get content, if the callback is passed an argument when invoked, then you can use this passed argument as the "scope" of the template and return the resulting evaluation as the content of the slot.

The Vue documentation seem to present this concept in a way that suggests that the user of a scoped-slot needs knowledge of the internal details of a component, this would seem like a solid violation of a major component design principle, ie encapsulation.

Viewing components as the Javacript functions they are, helps simplify the thinking model required for addressing everything else from state management to event propagation, to scope management. Without such a model, I personally find it impossible to think properly about the component tree as a whole; when I envision a structure of nested functions and function calls, things are a lot easier.


Vue is the most Javascripty of these frameworks, it has no particular requirement for how you integrate application logic with components, as long as a function/object is somehow accessible within the scope of a Vue instance you can use it to drive application logic. There are of course best practices for how to do this but the framework doesn't impose one.

React is mid-way, you can incorporate application logic however you wish, in addition you can use JSX to integrate such logic quite seamless. The problem with mixing JSX with core logic is that it seems to violate the concept of separation of concerns, ie don't mix presentation with logic, except JXS is Javascript! I am sure there is an interesting debate to be had about JSX with regards to the topic of separation of concern but we won't get into that here.

Angular 2+
Angular is the least Javascripty and most Java-ee of these frameworks. You need "dependency injection" to integrate application logic into remember dependency injection right (any Springers reading this?)? yeah that thing that whenever you see it mentioned it reminds you of a song with great melody but whose lyrics you don't quite get.


Uses Single File Components (ala .vue files) to manage packaging of components. Basically a way to manage the CSS, Javascript and HTML that form the building blocks of a component.

Uses Javascript Modules.

Uses ngModules: A pseudo Javascript module that has special meaning to the Angular engine and thus is processed differently but otherwise it is better to just think of them as you do Javascript modules.

Reactive/Component Frameworks, what are they good for...

At least from our perspective at Codesolvent, we don't see these frameworks as things that should be used primarily as they are, in other words we think the real power in these frameworks is in using them to build higher-order developer tools.

These frameworks provide the type of constraints that make it relatively easy to build tooling that goes far beyond text editors that are the bread-and-butter of traditional IDEs.

Below are examples of what we are building based on these frameworks:


  1. If you want to try a lightweight, fully specced buy tiny reactive / functional framework I recommend it's easy to learn and helped me with groking other frameworks


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